Welcome to MedKey, a common logging system to medical portals

1. What is the MedKey common logging system?

MedKey system is a platform allowing logging into all thematic portals managed by Via Medica with one login and password.

2. How to register in MedKey system?

Registration is possible by filling an on-line form with your baseline personal data. In the case of physicians it is necessary to specify your licence to practice a profession number. Individuals wirking in healthcare should give data on place of work and a contact number. In the case of students it is necessary to give data of the university with a telephone number. After filling in the required fields, users create login and password. An e-mail instruction on activating the MedKey account will be sent. The account becomes active immediately after performing the steps in the instructions.

3. Who gets full access to content of Via Medica portals?

Possibility to browse all content posted on the portals have only physicians. Other users can browse through selected material. Other terms and conditions for particular portals remain unchanged.

4. Where can I get help in case of problems with logging in?

In case of technical problems please contact our technical service

5. How can I remove my account from the MedKey system and resign from the access to all portals?

In order to delete your account, write a resignation e-mail to
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